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Kyambura Gorge Lodge found at the edge of Queen Elizabeth National Park in the western part of Uganda that offers every guest with sweeping views of the rolling savanna, the distant mountains of the moon (Mountain Rwenzori), and the sunken Kyambura Gorge.

Kyambura Gorge Lodge

Kyambura Gorge Lodge boasts eight beautiful and spacious bandas nestled on the hillside, en-suite bathrooms room offer flushing toilet, double vanity, and shower with hot and cold running water. Personal butler service is offered with each Banda.

Warm and welcoming staff, each Banda overlooks a different aspect of the panoramic views across the gorge and the lush savannah of the National Park, stretching all the way to the Rwenzori Mountains. The lodge reflects the local building style with artisan touches and private balconies.

In the main lodge Wi-Fi is available, as well as ample areas to relax, enjoy a house beverage or socialize. Massage services are available and a swimming pool is an ideal spot to cool off on a hot Queen Elizabeth afternoon. Meals are prepared using the freshest local ingredients and served in the dining area.

The lodge is situated within easy walking distance of the trail where guests can begin their chimpanzee trekking adventure. Game drives in the National Park, boat launches on the Kazinga Channel, guided forest walks and birdwatching expeditions explore the surroundings.

Interested visitors can experience hiking to a waterfall as they also take new walking safaris have been created around the lodge to experience the dramatic landscapes of Kyambura gorge and the Queen Elizabeth savannah, and visit a reclaimed wetland. Guests can walk along the Kyambura gorge buffer zone we have created to protect the fragile ecosystem from encroachment and contribute to its long-term conservation project by planting a seedling.

Staying at Kyambura Gorge Safari Lodge, offers you the best lovely base for Chimp tracking in the gorge itself. It is here where the chimps have become isolated due to deforestation and human encroachment. However, with incredible views and sublimely unique and intimate accommodation and working closely with a number of community and wildlife projects, connecting tourism, community and conservation it’s ideal for your stay.

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